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Monday, 2 January 2012

Give a book, save our future

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Let me first say a happy new year to you all and may your dreams come to fruition this year.  As promised, I’m embarking on a campaign, ‘Give a book, save our future’.

Quite simply, as some of you may well be aware that I’m a teacher and someone with a deep passion for education.  I believe God used education to make a huge difference in my life and continues to do so. I’ll regard my life’s journey as unfulfilled if I fail to give back to society in any way I can. As a Nigerian, we can be quite critical about the many wrongs in our society and most times rightly so. But I also believe we can take action by making small contributions that can only help improve our society. I’m a firm believer that whatever change we seek will only happen if we take action to accomplish them. I’m not in any way claiming this campaign will change the world but it certainly won’t make it any worse.

What is the purpose of this campaign?
I believe education remains the key that will unlock Nigeria’s future. Good education can only be possible with access to books, something that many Nigerian children are denied. So I’ve decided that if we keep waiting for the Nigerian governments at all levels, we might be waiting for a long time.

How will this campaign work?
This campaign which starts from today will involve awareness and invite people to donate old or used books they no longer need or are quite happy to give which are in fairly good condition. They can range from academic books, for primary and secondary school age, fiction, non-fiction etc.

Who can get involved?
This campaign is open to all. You can kindly donate a book or books.

How can you get involved?
You can get involved by help spreading the word via your blogs, websites, through friends, family etc. This campaign is not about me, I just see myself as a facilitator. It’s more about the ordinary Nigerian children who have limited access to books and whom this campaign will benefit eventually. You can also get involved by choosing to become a co-facilitator of this campaign and be actively involved in its operations.

How long will this campaign last?
This campaign will last for at least 6 months, up to the summer to enable us raise our initial target of 1000 books (an ambitious target) you might think but quite achievable I would like to believe.

Who will benefit from this campaign?
The plan is to partner with at least 3 schools especially in deprived areas in Nigeria in the first instance. The intention is to ensure that the books are donated for use in each school’s library for use by all students. Where a school library doesn’t exist then we can encourage them to set up one to enable students borrow or use these books for study.

Do you know of any school that could benefit from this campaign? If so please get in touch and let me know how you can be of help in making the necessary contacts needed to get things started.

How will this campaign be funded?
This will be a 100% charitable campaign. I am not asking for money, all I’m asking for is publicity, donations of old or used books for primary and secondary age or any book that will benefit young people. We'll also be soliciting for logistic support to send these books to Nigeria at the appropriate time.
All books collected will be accounted for. At the end of the campaign, details of the schools where these books have been donated to will be made available. Regular updates will be made available on this blog and on my education blog.

How can I send my book donations?
If you live in the UK or Ireland, please email me at:  or and I’ll provide you with the address where donations can be sent to.
If you live in the US, Canada, or other parts of Europe, perhaps you may want to lead this campaign where you are which will be quite awesome if you can. Those in Nigeria, we would even rely on your massive support in recommending schools and mobilising where you are.

At the time of writing this post, I've already collected about 100 ICT books (which is my subject specialism by the way) which we were going to throw away but I said no way. I knew it will be of immense benefit to our young people whose access to books is somewhat limited. That was really the time the idea for this campaign first crossed my mind. After months of dithering, I feel it's something I have to do. 

How can I get updates about the work of this campaign?
I will provide regular updates to show how much books have been donated and by who. I can use pseudo names for those who don’t want their real identities revealed. I have contacted a media outlet in the UK (BenTv) and I’m currently in discussion to see how they may help us get the word out to the Nigerian community and even others. I’m also in the process of contacting VoxAfrica, another UK based media outlet for Diaspora people.

In whatever way you want to support, please feel free to let me know on here or send me an email if you prefer. Also please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Advice and constructive criticisms are most certainly welcome.

This will be a challenge no doubt but one that I believe can succeed with your help and support. And if we succeed, we would together have made a small difference to the lives of some young people in Nigeria, and in doing so, maybe save their futures. And who knows, perhaps save our country’s future.


  1. Well done o. God bless you and your efforts.
    My suggestion is that you comeup with a proper electronic flyer so we can display on out blogs and Blackberry DPs to create more awareness.

    All the best. I'l do what I can to help

  2. I'm recommending this article on google and also on facebook and twitter. For those in Nigeria, I think you should have a contact who they can send their books to or maybe they can send you an email too?

    This is a really good initiative. Well done!

  3. This is a great idea. Thumbs up. I've taken note

    Muse Origins

  4. I will email you about this in due course. It would take some time to get the books together. How much time do we have to send them in?

    BTW, the malware warning on my blog is false. Nothing will happen to your computer or phone. I tested the malware warning, so I know. The false warning is an attempt by some 'agents' to stop a blogging campaign that I initiated two days ago. I'm running a campaign - not sure if it's your thing but if you'd like to be involved, that would be great.

    I hope you can take part in the bloggers' campaign against the removal of the fuel subsidy. It would be appreciated. Please also circulate to other bloggers to get involved. This is how to take part:

    I am asking all Nigerian bloggers and other interested parties to join me in a Nigerian Bloggers Protest for a week. To join the protest:

    1. Do a post of your own on your blog using the title "GEJ Presidential Palace Subsidy Must End: Nigerian Bloggers' Protest"

    2. Add 9jaFooDie's pic/tabled diagram (on her current post) in your post

    3. Publish your post

    4. Please allow for seven days on your blog or place the post in a prime position on your blog for seven days.

    5. Bloggers and Non-bloggers: share on facebook, twitter and other relevant social media.

    May we reap the benefits of our civil efforts in the prosperity of our country Nigeria, in the very near future - That it would become a country that we are proud of, for future generations to come.

  5. @ilola, the flyer idea is a good one, I'll look to get that done thanks.

    @Stelzz, I agree having a contact in Nigeria and it's something I'm currently working on.

    @Adiya, thanks for taking note and I'll be counting on your support

    @Adura, thank you for your proposed support. Like I said the campaign will last up to the summer (early July latest). Let me know when you're ready. I'll definitely be supporting the anti-subsidy removal campaign. It's time to reclaim Nigeria, nothing will happen unless we all take action.

  6. I commend your effort and i'm delighted by your campaign.I have made this post on my blog as a support to the campaign.More power to your elbow.

  7. Thumbs up Naija4life. I'll definitely put out word about this. I know what impact books have played in my life, I hope kids of this generation will benefit from it too.

  8. @Ginger, many thanks for your anticipated support.

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